The NeXUS team met with a contingent from the National Science Foundation on Wednesday, May 18th. Three NSF representatives from the Division of Chemistry visited the facility in person; representatives from Physics, Materials Research, Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, and Electrical, Communications & Cyber Systems joined the discussion virtually. Presentations from NeXUS leadership focused on facility progress, project management, Covid impacts, and plans and goals for the operational phase of the facility. The NSF group also held conversations with representatives from OSU Office of Research and the NeXUS External Advisory Board and User Committee Chair.
A highlight of the NSF Visit was a lab tour and poster session with students and postdocs who are integral to the design and construction of the NeXUS beamlines. Pictured below are graduate students Seth Shields discussing the STM subsystem and Shuyu Cheng presenting on the ARPES subsystem.