Submit a Proposal

Current Call Status: Closed
Next Submission Deadline: tbd

A photo of the NeXUS Research Scientists in the NeXUS lab

Step 1.  Discuss Your Experiment with NeXUS Staff

Proposers are strongly encouraged to contact NeXUS staff early in proposal development to:

> review NeXUS facility capabilities
> ensure feasibility
> discuss safety concerns

Email with a brief description of your proposed experiment, and our staff will put you in contact with the appropriate technical staff member at NeXUS.

Step 2.  Prepare Your Proposal

 Download these tools to assist you in preparing your proposal:

Step 3.  Submit Proposal Submission Form 

Additional required information you will need to complete form:

  1. Team Lead contact information
  2. Proposal Title
  3. Experiment Category (review options)
  4. Name(s) of NeXUS staff you have worked with in developing proposal
  5. Any weeks you are unavailable to work on experiment

Form includes a link to upload a .pdf of your proposal. Team Lead will be asked to agree to NeXUS Terms & Conditions.

Step 4.  NeXUS Follow Up

  • An independent Proposal Review Panel will evaluate proposals based on criteria described in the NeXUS Proposal Preparation Guide
  • NeXUS will follow up with Team Leads