The data illustrated below are examples of data that have been collected on NeXUS systems.

Momentum microscopy data from a Au(111) sample with the expected hexagonal pattern surrounding the center. Sample temperature: 300 K Data collected and analyzed by Roland Kawakami (Ohio State, Physics) and Tim Scarborough (Ohio State, NeXUS).

(Left) Momentum microscopy data from a Au(111) sample with the expected hexagonal pattern surrounding the center. (Right) Momentum and Kinetic Energy, the ARPES characteristics, of the same surface. Sample temperature: 300 K Data collected and analyzed by Roland Kawakami (Ohio State, Physics) and Tim Scarborough (Ohio State, NeXUS).

LEED image of a Au(111) sample collected with the KREIOS. Sample temperature: 300 K Data collected and analyzed by Roland Kawakami (Ohio State, Physics) and Tim Scarborough (Ohio State, NeXUS).

STM image showing Au(111) surface with the herringbone reconstruction visible across multiple terraces. Sample temperature: 15 K Tip bias voltage: 1.0 V Tunneling current: 500 pA Data collected and analyzed by Seth Shields (Ohio State, NeXUS)

STM image showing the hexagonal lattice of HOPG (highly oriented pyrolytic graphite). Sample temperature: 14 K Tip bias voltage: 1.5 V Tunneling current: 250 pA Data collected and analyzed by Seth Shields (Ohio State, NeXUS)

STM image of Si(100) surface showing the (2×1) reconstruction. Atomic scale point defects are visible. Sample temperature: 14 K Tip bias voltage: −2.0 V Tunneling current: 250 pA Data collected and analyzed by Seth Shields (Ohio State, NeXUS)

STM image of adsorbed CO on Cu(111). The ripples in the image are standing waves in the Cu(111) surface state due to constructive interference from scattering off of the CO molecule and the Cu step edge. Sample temperature: 13.5 K Tip bias voltage: 50 mV Tunneling current: 1 nA Data collected and analyzed by Seth Shields (Ohio State, NeXUS)
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