This page will be updated regularly to share information on NEXUS's ability to support specific user experiments. Prior to proposing an experiment, users should check and ensure that it is currently feasible.
Users are encouraged to contact us if they have questions about the feasibility of a prospective experiment. Please use our Contact Form and someone from NeXUS will respond within 48 hours.
Last updated: January 9, 2025
User Experiments: User Experiments are experiments that the NeXUS staff have validated using the NeXUS system and established standard operating procedures for. The needed equipment are all operating to specification. Users who are awarded time for these experiments will receive support from NeXUS staff to plan and execute the experiments.
User-Assisted Commissioning Experiments: User-Assisted Commissioning Experiments are experiments that the NeXUS staff have verified to be feasible but have not yet validated. The needed equipment are all operating to specification. The experiments have higher schedule and technical risk since they go beyond validated capabilities. Users who wish to propose one of these experiments should contact NeXUS before the proposal to jointly assess feasibility, schedule, and risk mitigation.